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  2. SIC Code Lookup

SIC Codes Lookup

In the UK, Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes indicate what your company does and in what industry. It is important to use up-to-date information while choosing your business’s SIC code. Otherwise, Company House will refuse your business registration application. Our free SIC code checker tool assists you in finding the most appropriate SIC code that accurately corresponds to your business activity.

Top list of SIC codes
  • 70229

    Management consultancy activities other than financial management

  • 68209

    Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate

  • 96090

    Other service activities n.e.c.

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Download a full list of UK SIC codes for free
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The cost to register a company with Osome depends on what you need. We can simply handle the registration for you. Or we can handle your compliance and accounting needs too. Take a look at your options below:


Set up as a limited company and receive all legal paperwork

£50+ VATGet this plan
    • Company formation
    • Digital incorporation certificates
    • Share Certificate
    • Live chat with an expert
    • Exclusive offers from our Banking Partners
    • Companies House fee included
  • Optional add-ons
    • Registered London office address£100/y
    • Manual document review£49
    • Confirmation Statement£100
    • PAYE registration£50
    • VAT registration£50
    • Accounting servicesfrom £65/m
What's included?


Register a limited company and get all compliance related to your incorporation

£289+ VATGet this plan
    • Company formation
    • Digital incorporation certificates
    • Share Certificate
    • Live chat with an expert
    • Exclusive offers from our Banking Partners
    • Companies House fee included
    • Registered London office address
    • Same-day document scanning
    • Unlimited corporate changes
    • Manual document review
    • Confirmation Statement
  • Optional add-ons
    • PAYE registration£50
    • VAT registration£50
    • Accounting servicesfrom £65/m
What's included?


Register a limited company and get all compliance related to your incorporation

£299+ VATGet this plan
    • Company formation
    • Exclusive offers from our Banking Partners
    • Digital incorporation certificates
    • Share Certificate
    • Live chat with an expert
    • Companies House fee included
    • Registered London office address
    • Same-day document scanning
    • Unlimited corporate changes
    • Manual document review
    • Confirmation Statement
    • VAT registration
  • Optional add-ons
    • PAYE registration£50
    • Accounting servicesfrom £65/m
What's included?
Sic codes

Most common SIC code categories


Wholesale of fruit and vegetables


Wholesale of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats


Wholesale of wine, beer, spirits and other alcoholic beverages


Construction of domestic buildings


Development of building projects


Construction of commercial buildings


Management consultancy activities other than financial management


Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering


Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities


Administration of financial markets


Fund management activities


Financial management

Real estate

Activities of real estate investment trusts


Activities of insurance agents and brokers


Other activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding


  • What is an SIC code?

    The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code is a five-digit numerical code used to classify and categorise businesses in the UK based on their primary economic activities.

  • Why do I need an SIC code?

    UK government agencies such as Companies House and the Office of National Statistics use SIC codes to identify and categorise different types of businesses and monitor their growth and decline. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to provide at least one SIC code while registering your company.

  • How do I find my UK SIC code?

    You can search for the appropriate SIC code for your company in the condensed list of SIC codes provided by Companies House or use our handy free online tool above

  • Can I have multiple SIC codes for my business?

    Yes, businesses in the UK can have multiple SIC codes. You can choose codes that represent various aspects of your business activities to accurately describe the range of services or products you offer. This gives you the flexibility to accurately describe the range of products or services you offer, making it easier to classify your business based on its diverse economic activities.

  • What if my SIC code is wrong?

    If your SIC code is incorrect, you should contact Companies House to update it so that it accurately reflects your primary business activities.

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